
Nicks Berger Board Part II

Nicks Berger Board Part II

The first step of making the Berger Board is to fabricate the two (2) torsion boxes needed for the bent laminated glue up. I made my torsion boxes from plywood and pine.

All torsion boxed up and nowhere to go.
The type of plywood isn’t really important. I bought the 2’ x 4’ ¾” & ½” “sanded” plywood from Lowes. What is important is that the plywood is flat. Take your time and select the  flattest sheets they have.
I used clear pine for the ribs. Again, be careful to choose the flattest and truest boards you can.

Its important that the ribs are milled flat and the boxes are assembled on a flat surface.
After milling the boards to 4S I trimmed the plywood to size. Then I assembled to two (2) torsion boxes using my table saw as a flat reference surface.

I then took additional pieces of the pine which I had also milled square and added a fence and riser block to the bottom (larger) torsion box. These will provide a surface to clamp against and create the lift in the tail needed for the proper Berger Board glue up.

Ready for the fence and riser.
The final steps of the Torsion Box construction allowed for an easier glue up. I covered the inside faces with packing tape in order to prevent glue stick. Then I added feet to the bottom torsion box in order to allow the clamps to fit below.

As silly as it may sound, I find building torsion boxes fun, as there is something satisfying about the rigidity of one which is properly constructed.

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Nicks Berger Board Part II